What is a Co-Op?
Since 2020, we have worked to enhance our local food system and encourage the conversations surrounding how we can do more to increase resiliency.
Our Mission
The Local Area Revitalization Project Co-Op strives to provide access, opportunity, and healthful food to the community, from within its borders, by its neighbors, through the use of local, sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices and education.
“A cooperative is an organization that is owned and controlled by the people who use its products, supplies and/or services. Cooperatives can vary in their particular purpose but share in common the fact that they are formed to meet the specific objectives of members and adapt to member’s changing needs. Self reliance and self-help are the hallmark of cooperatives. “
LARP Cooperative’s Focuses:
Find new and innovative ways to increase access to fresh and locally grown produce
Create lasting partnerships within the City of Susanville and Lassen County
Work with our local schools and homeschool educators to bring farm and garden educational opportunities to children and teens
Decrease barriers for beginner and underserved farmers, and help to provide land access opportunities
Increase local production of crops to be integrated into the local school systems lunch programs
Create regional county partnerships to increase access to more local producers
Create a regional food-hub for our area and partner with existing ones
Provide access to gardening spaces for our community members to grow their own food
Cooperative corporations are governed by code sections 12000 et. al of the California Corporations Code. The code generally defines Cooperatives as corporations that are not organized to make profit for themselves, but rather primarily for their members and patrons. As such, Cooperatives are grouped as a nonprofit corporation, rather than a general stock corporations, but can be for profit for the benefit of their members and patrons.